
What Products We Provide

Outdoor Activities

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Wellness Events

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Medical Care

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Facility Stuffing

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Hospice Care

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Intensive Care

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Quality Home Care

We Provide Quality Home Care & Private Nursing

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Our Amenities & How It Looks Like

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.

Personal Care
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Home Care
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Health Consultation
0 %

24/7 Availability

We Are Available For Home Care Consultation

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We provide supportive, compassionate and highly qualified nurses for all your nursing and medical needs

Emergency Call

+1-(318) 766-9161

Annabella Mathews


Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.

Why Choose Us

We Are Home Care With Best Experience

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.

Happy Patients
0 +
Successful Home Care
0 +
Years Of Experience
Professional Nurses
0 +

Who We Are

What We Provide

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles.

  • Personalized Care Assistance

    Allow miles wound place the leave had. To sitting subject no improve studied limited. Ye indulgence unreserved connection alteration appearance my an astonished.

  • Medication Management

    Allow miles wound place the leave had. To sitting subject no improve studied limited. Ye indulgence unreserved connection alteration appearance my an astonished.

  • Assisted Bathing and Dressing

    Allow miles wound place the leave had. To sitting subject no improve studied limited. Ye indulgence unreserved connection alteration appearance my an astonished.

About Sweet Home

We Take Care of Your Problems Carefully

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.

Medical Care

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Medical Care

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Resident Care

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Resident Care

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Memory Care

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Memory Care

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Nutrition Care

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Nutrition Care

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Need Any Helps?

Get More Consultations

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Who We Are

Benefits of Plantain Chips

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles.

  • Personalized Care Assistance

    Allow miles wound place the leave had. To sitting subject no improve studied limited. Ye indulgence unreserved connection alteration appearance my an astonished.

  • Medication Management

    Allow miles wound place the leave had. To sitting subject no improve studied limited. Ye indulgence unreserved connection alteration appearance my an astonished.

  • Assisted Bathing and Dressing

    Allow miles wound place the leave had. To sitting subject no improve studied limited. Ye indulgence unreserved connection alteration appearance my an astonished.

Happy Patients
0 k
Home Care
0 k+
Years Of Experience
Quality Care
0 %


Company Timeline

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off.
All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably.

March 2013LA, California
May 2015JP, Tokyo
Sept 2018Workshops
Jun 2022New Order


What Clients Think

Our Team

Meet Our Qualified Team

Alexis Stokes

Alexis Stokes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laorsoet non vitae lorem.
Alissa Leonard

Alissa Leonard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laorsoet non vitae lorem.
Georgia Mcneil

Georgia Mcneil

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur laoreet cursus volutpat. Aliquam sit amet ligula et justo tincidunt laorsoet non vitae lorem.

Life Experience

20 Years of Experience in Home Care

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its possession nor off. All difficulty estimating unreserved increasing the solicitude. Rapturous see performed tolerably departure end bed attention unfeeling. On unpleasing principles alteration of.

Main Office

+1-(405) 303-2766
11973 3e Hwy Earlsboro, Oklahoma(OK), 74840

Main Office

+1-(405) 303-2766
11973 3e Hwy Earlsboro, Oklahoma(OK), 74840

Greatest properly off ham exercise all. Unsatiable invitation its.

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Our Snacks

Plantain Crisps

Cassava Crisps

Cocoyam Crisps

Sweet potato Crisps


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